Delivery time depends on your location and the shipping option you choose. Standard delivery time is usually two business days after your order has been shipped, but may vary depending on your shipping address.
Shipping costs vary depending on the shipping option you choose and your shipping address. The exact shipping costs will be displayed at checkout.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to track the status of your order online.
Yes, we accept returns and exchanges according to our return policy. Please visit our returns page for more information on how to return or exchange an item.
Oui, vous pouvez bien entendu être remboursé. Veuillez consulter notre page de retour pour plus d'informations.
En cas de retour d’articles, et de demande de remboursement, si le montant total de la commande devient inférieur au seuil de gratuité des frais de port, ces derniers seront déduits du montant remboursé.
You will find more answers to your questions in the FAQ's section at the bottom of the page.
“Founded in 2020, our textile brand is dedicated to enthusiasts, offering innovative and durable products to accompany each workout and in everyday life.”